
Text links within the body of the page are coloured green. Some icons and images also contain links. Hover over them for more information.

Apart from the links provided on the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen there are 2 basic types of page links :-

All internal links will open in the same window - replacing the currently viewed page - use the browser back button if available to return to the source page.
All external links will open in a new window or tab enabling the user to close this window when finished cross-referencing and continue to use the eGuide from the point they left off. The browser back button will not work on a newly opened window, close the window instead.

Preceding Page icon

This icon in the top navigation menu will take the user to the preceding page of the chapter or file (if available) - to return to the previously viewed page (which may be different) use the back button on the browser - see also below.

Previously Viewed Page icon

On some pages this button replaces the Preceding Page icon allowing the user to return to the previously viewed page (it acts in the same way as the browser back button). These are used in the National Offence Codes pages for instance which are accessed via a link from a pages in a different location.


Key to Symbols
Symbol Description

Home Page - Access key 1

Index to Traffic Guide (White),
Criminal Guide (Red) or
Legislation (Yellow)

Traffic Guide (White) - Access key 5
Criminal Guide (Red) - Access key 6

Legislation (Yellow) - Access key 7

Table of contents - current section

Back - go to Preceding Page

Back - go to Previously Viewed Page

Go to Next Page

Scroll to Top of Current Page
- Access key 3

Key to Symbols
Symbol Description



Preface Page

Internal Link

External Link *
(requires internet connection)




The symbols shown above are web-font icons not images and are invisible to screen readers.
* Please note links to external sites require an internet connection.
Unlike this Guide some external sites are not optimised for and may not display well on small screen devices.

The CPS symbol indicates an external link to The Crown Prosecution Service guidelines on the subject. CPS

The HOC Symbol indicates an external link to The Home Office guidelines on the subject HOC

The MoJ Symbol indicates an external link to The Ministry of Justice guidelines on the subject MoJ

The Dft Symbol indicates an external link to The Department for Transport guidelines on the subject DfT

The GOV.UK Symbol indicates an external link to the website of the UK Government which will eventually incorporate the websites of all government departments and many other agencies and public bodies. UK Government Guidance

ME82012 This shows the National Offence Code (CJS Code) for the offence - select for more.

RTA019880003A1A0 This shows the National Offence Code for Scotland (ICSJIS Code) for the offence - select for more.

MW10 This shows the Driving Licence Endorsement Code for the offence - select for more.

The Adobe PDF file icon PDF File is provided solely as an indicator of an active link to a Portable Document Format file with a .pdf filename extension created using an Adobe® Acrobat® product. Reproduced with permission of Adobe

These images indicate :-




The name of the page being viewed can be found in the title usually at the top of the browser.

There is hidden text giving this information within each page for use by screen readers.

This symbol in the top navigation bar is color coded to indicate the current section of the eGuide being viewed :-

An alternative text description is given for screen readers.


Underlined text indicates the text is soon to be replaced.

Strikethrough text indicates the text has been repealed or replaced.

Magenta text indicates the text is not yet in force with no known commencement date.

Light blue text indicates the text is not yet in force but it has a commencement date.

Green text with a globe symbol indicates an external link

Green text with a chain link symbol indicates an internal link

There is a horizontal navigation menu at the top of each page everywhere in the guide except the home page.

Key to Navigation Menu
Menu Description

home (access key 1)

index to guides or legislation

index to general information
(alternative to above)

contents of current section

back - go to the preceding page (use the back arrow on your browser to go to the previous page viewed - see also below)

back - go to the previously viewed page (used on some pages in place of the preceding page icon - acts the same way as the back arrow on your browser)

next page

top of page (access key 3)

Access keys

The navigation menus contain access keys which allow navigation by using a combination of keys pressed simultaneously.
The UK Government access key system is used where possible.

The following access keys are used within the eGuide :-

How to use access keys in different browsers